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Your Sacred Garden V-Steam

Herbal yoni steams are the perfect way to protect and detoxify your sacred garden! With so many benefits to womb wellness, it's important to take care of your reproductive health. Our herbal blends are customized to your essential reproductive needs, ensuring that you get the most out of your yoni steam experience. Try it today and feel the difference!  Be sure to include your herbal blend choice on the booking form!

  • You are pregnant or there is a possibility of pregnancy

  • During or after ovulation if you are trying to conceive

  • During menstruation

  • You have any open wounds, sores, blisters or stitches

  • If you have a vaginal disease or fever

Herbal Blend Options

Menopause V-Steam 

The Menopause Steam is specially designed for women experiencing night-sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness are already in peri-menopause or menopause. It includes herbs that help to nourish, moisturize and cool down, it tonifies the uterus, stimulates Shakti energy and it improves circulation.

Menstrual Regulator

This Menstrual Support Vaginal Steam is for women who have extreme menstrual pain, heavy flow, excess bloat and/or irregularities such as intermittent bleeding, absent, or unpredictable menstrual cycles and wish to restore a healthy natural cycle.

W.A.P / Clapback

Get ready to take your love life to the next level with Body ATL's Signature V Steam blends! Our exciting blends are designed to increase wetness, tighten, and heighten libido, promoting a healthy and satisfying sexual lifestyle. 

Body Cafe Signature Detox Blend

This steaming treatment stimulates the production of hormones to maintain uterine health, aids regular menstrual cycles, clears up hormonal acne, promotes circulation and helps with digestive disorders.  The Signature Steam is a full circle steam that covers most of your intimate concerns.  This steam is suggested for first timers

Purification V-Steam

The Purification Vagina Steam is a gentle, safe and pH-balanced way address the vaginal and uterine linings. The warm herbal steam improves circulation and can alleviate symptoms caused by, or related to congestion in these tissues.

Fertility Cleanse & Steam

Enhance the health of the reproductive system, warms the womb and invigorate the circulation of the chi while stimulating blood flow to the uterus and clearing dampness. 

Divine Feminine V Steam & Herbal Healing Foot Bath

Our Divine Feminine yoni steam is designed to reconnect you to your divine energy.  This session includes energy clearing, guided meditation, customized herbal blend tailored to your specific needs!  Light touch to arms and hands for additional relaxation with your choice of essential oils & Aromatherapy.  Restore, detoxify, release trauma, those soul ties and increase your overall sexual health!   Herbal healing foot bath included with light leg & foot relaxation.

Pink Sugar
  • Private Customized V-Steam Session

    45 min

    From 44.44 US dollars

Monthly Kitty Maintenance

Best Value

Kept Kitty Box



Every month

+$25 One Time Initial Consultation Fee

2 Customized V~Steams per month for womb wellness and reproductive health! Fiery Libido included! Same day appointments for Body Cafe members!

Valid until canceled

Body Cafe V- Steam

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